Oral Hygiene

Prevent dental problems

Almost all dental problems can be prevented by maintaining sufficient oral hygiene. In order to look after your teeth as well as possible, we advise regular visits to a dental hygienist. In our modern practices in the Moergestelseweg in Oisterwijk, you can make an appointment with a dental hygienist. A referral from a dentist isn’t required. Make an appointment. Call 013 52 10 660

Preventative care

Preventing problems with your teeth is one of the most important tasks of our dentists, dental hygienists and prevention assistants. Nearly all dental problems can be prevented with the help of good dental hygiene.

To prevent dental problems and keep your teeth as clean as possible, we advise that you have a twice-yearly combined appointment with a dentist and an oral hygienist. The Dentists will check if there are any problems with your teeth, and the dental hygienist will clean your teeth and gums. After the cleaning, our dental hygienists will advise on how to best look after your teeth.

A significant advantage of Lassus is that we offer everything under one roof: Dental hygienists, orthodontists, and of course, dentists. My children also now go to Lassus, and even though I believe they won’t leave Oisterwijk in the coming years, even if they move somewhere else, I hope they’ll continue to visit Lassus from their new place of residence.

When should I visit a dental hygienist?

When you have any of the following complaints, it’s advisable to make an appointment with one of our dental hygienists:

  • Loose teeth or molars
  • Bleeding gums during teeth brushing
  • Swollen and red gums
  • Recurring problems with tartar
  • Bad breath
  • Receding Gums
  • Regular occurrences of cavities

The differences between a dental hygienist and a prevention assistant

In our practices, you’ll meet dental hygienists and prevention assistants, but what are the differences between the two? A Dental hygienist holds an HBO degree and is continuously tested on the latest quality standards. A dental hygienist focuses on preventing things such as gum problems and cavities. Alongside this, the dental hygienist can also treat gum infections such as periodontitis and gingivitis.

Where the work of the dental hygienist begins, stops in principle the work of the prevention assistant. A prevention assistant gives advice on the prevention of cavities and gum diseases. Alongside this, the prevention assistant deals with the treatment of simple complaints.

The treatment

Before you undergo any treatment, a PPS measurement is performed. This works as follows; Our dental hygienists give your gums a score between 1 and 3. From the basis of these scores, we define your treatment plan.

PPS Description
1Er zijn pockets tot en met 3 mm. en het tandvlees is voldoende gezond. Met instructies en behandelingen wordt gestreefd om dit te behouden.
2Bij deze score zijn er pockets tot en met 5 mm en bevindt de gezondheid van uw tandvlees zich op een kantelpunt. Er is waarschijnlijk al sprake van botafbraak. Aanvullende mondhygiëne behandelingen zijn noodzakelijk om pockets te verminderen. Het is mogelijk dat er direct aanvullend onderzoek gedaan moet worden door middel van een parodontiumstatus en een intensief parotraject te starten.
3Met PPS 3 zijn er pockets van 6 mm of dieper gesignaleerd. Ook is er sprake van botverlies rondom één of meerdere tanden of kiezen. Hierdoor is het meestal noodzakelijk om uitgebreider onderzoek te doen en een intensief parotraject te starten.

“Explanation of the terms gingivitis and periodontitis
If, as a result of dental plaque, an infection exists on the edge of the gums, then it’s a case of gingivitis. If the infection spreads close to the jawbone, then the term for this is periodontitis.”

Overview of treatment

Our dental hygienists carry out the following treatments:

  • The Cleaning of root surfaces under the gums
  • Removal of tartar, plaque and infections
  • The placing of sealants
  • Polishing and fillings
  • The smoothing over of root surfaces
  • The placing of fluoride
  • Advice and explanations about cavities and gum problems

Reimbursement from your health insurance provider

The costs of dental hygiene treatment are not covered by basic health insurance. In the event that you have additional insurance for dental treatment, then in most cases, the costs are reimbursed. If in doubt, double check the terms of your additional health insurance policy or contact your insurance provider.

The costs for children younger than 18 years old are covered by basic insurance. For children younger than 18, opening an additional health insurance policy is not necessary. Do the health insurance reimbursement check on our website.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need a referral from a dentist for an appointment with a dental hygienist?

In our modern practices in the Moergestelseweg in Oisterwijk, you can make an appointment with a dental hygienist. A referral from a dentist isn’t required. Simply make an appointment. Call 013 52 10 660.

How often should I see a dental hygienist?

We advise you to have a combined appointment with a dentist and dental hygienist twice a year.

Is the removal of tartar painful?

The removal of tartar can be sensitive. The feeling of sensitivity is in most cases over after the treatment. In the event that it causes you pain, always let the dental hygienist know. If required the treatment can be carried out using local anaesthesia.

Is the polishing of teeth painful?

The polishing of teeth is completely painless. In some cases it can cause a mild tickling feeling.

What do healthy gums look like?

Your gums are healthy if they are pink and firm around your teeth and molars.

How do gums become infected?

Gums become infected by bacteria in plaque. Dental plaque can harden into tartar that clings on to teeth and molars. On this, a new layer of plaque is formed.

What is sealing?

Molars can sometimes end up with deep grooves and pits on the chewing surface, that is difficult to clean properly with a toothbrush. It’s possible for cavities to develop. The dental hygienist can decide to close the grooves and pits. The closing occurs by the application of a thin layer of plastic lacquer. This layer protects your molars against bacteria that can lead to cavities.

Which foods are bad for the health of my teeth?

Foods that contain added sugars are bad for your teeth. Therefore please keep the consumption of soft drinks, sweets, biscuits and cakes to a minimum.

Does a dental hygienist have a recognised qualification?

The education in order to become a dental hygienist in the Netherlands is a HBO qualification. A dental hygienist is recognised by the law and is legally authorised to carry out treatments. A dental hygienist is familiar with the background from problems in the mouth and is able to put together a treatment plan. Check the website http://www.kwaliteitsregistermondhygienisten.nl.

Is it better to use an electric toothbrush than a manual one?

Research has shown that electric and sonic toothbrushes are more effective and remove more plaque than with manual toothbrushes. An electric toothbrush makes the cleaning movements for you, you only have to concentrate on the placing of the brush. With an electric toothbrush, you remove more plaque. With a manual toothbrush, more pressure is applied during brushing. A high cleaning pressure can damage gums. We, therefore, advise using an electric or sonic toothbrush.

Will I always be treated by the same dental hygienist?

Our dental hygienists rotate amongst our clients. We do this deliberately so that someone with “fresh” eyes looks at your teeth. If this is something that you do not prefer, let us know and we’ll make appointments with your “favourite” dental hygienist. During a so called “parotrjact” you’ll remain with the same dental hygienist.

Contact your dental hygienist in Oisterwijk

Would you like more information about the treatment trajectory, or do you have other questions? Then please get in touch with us via the contact formula below or call us on 013 52 10 660.