Terms and conditions
Lassus Tandartsen Group
These are the general terms and conditions of Lassus Tandartsen Groep B.V. in Amsterdam, registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 83048359, and all practices affiliated to Lassus Tandartsen Groep B.V. A list of affiliated practices can be found on the website of Lassus Tandartsen Groep B.V., www.lassustandartsen.nl, (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Lassus Groep” and each company within Lassus Groep hereinafter referred to separately as “Lassus”).
1.1. These general terms and conditions (the “General Terms and Conditions”) form an inseparable part of the treatment contract pursuant to section 7:446(1) of the Civil Code (the “Contract”) between Lassus and its client (the “client”), .
1.2. The General Terms and Conditions apply to any treatment provided by Lassus and any quotation or estimate provided to the client by Lassus.
1.3.The General Terms and Conditions can be provided in writing to the client or the client’s legal representative(s) upon request by or on behalf of the client. In addition, the General Terms and Conditions are available for inspection at Lassus’s practice and are published on Lassus’s website.
1.4. Lassus Groep is entitled to amend these General Terms and Conditions at any time.
2.1. Lassus warrants that the activities it performs under this Contract meet the standards that a good care provider should observe and are in accordance with the statutory provisions (including the WGBO) as well as generally applicable guidelines.
2.2. Dental treatments constitute medical treatments. The dentist or doctor has an obligation of effort and not an obligation of result.
2.3. Lassus is entitled to engage third parties to execute the Contract.
2.4. The client must at all times inform Lassus fully and truthfully regarding the client’s general health and about circumstances that may affect the treatment.
2.5. Any additional costs on Lassus’s part and additional treatment costs incurred as a result of the client’s failure to make the required information and documents for the execution of the Contract available on time or properly shall be borne by the client.
3.1. The costs of dental treatment will be billed to the client in accordance with the applicable UTP charges as set by the NZa and set out in the ruling on dental care charges (www.NZa.nl).
3.2. The list of charges for dental care is available on the Lassus Groep website mentioned in the preamble. The charges may be adjusted from time to time.
3.3. For all treatments totalling at least EUR 250, Lassus Groep will provide the client with an estimate prior to treatment.
3.4. If necessary modification of the treatment due to unforeseen complications during the treatment results in the estimate being exceeded, the additional costs to be incurred will be charged to the client after consultation with the client.
3.5. Technical costs are charged to the client separately. Lassus will provide a breakdown of these at the request of the client or their insurer.
3.6. Lassus may retroactively bill for or amend the code of a treatment up to 2 years after the treatment.
4.1. Booked appointments can be rescheduled or cancelled by the client free of charge up to 48 hours before the scheduled time. If the appointment is not rescheduled or cancelled (on time), Lassus will charge for the booked time and/or agreed treatment with code C90, taking into account the duration of the planned treatment, for which reference is made to the list of charges that can be found on the website mentioned in the preamble.
4.2. Lassus is entitled to reschedule or cancel booked appointments with the client at any time.
If the client cancels all or part of the treatment after a treatment contract has been concluded, Lassus is entitled to charge the client in full for all costs which it and third parties have incurred in connection with that treatment.
6.1. Infomedics handles the invoices for Lassus Groep. This is subject to the Infomedics payment terms. These payment terms have been filed with the Gooi en Eemland Chamber of Commerce under number 04048143. The payment terms are also available for inspection at Lassus, are shown on the Lassus website and are available from Infomedics (www.infomedics.nl).
6.2. If invoices are no longer accepted by Infomedics due to the client’s payment arrears, Lassus is entitled to suspend further treatment, or to carry it out only for immediate payment by the client.
7.1. Complaints about the work performed or the invoice must be notified to Lassus in writing by the client within 30 days of discovery, but no later than three months after completion of the treatment.
7.2. A complaint as referred to in the first paragraph does not suspend the client’s payment obligation.
7.3. The complaint will be dealt with by Lassus Groep in accordance with the Complaints Procedure of the Royal Dutch Dental Association (KNMT).
7.4. If a complaint is justified and rectification is possible, Lassus Groep will still perform the work as agreed.
8.1. Defective and/or necessary repairs to the pieces manufactured by Lassus Groep caused by external influences, such as accident, grinding, use of medication, change in the client’s health, pregnancy, smoking, use of hormone preparations, osteoporosis, etc. or if the client has not complied with brushing instructions and/or oral hygiene are excluded from liability.
8.2. The client’s rights to compensation as a result of Lassus’s liability under the Contract expire after one (1) year after the loss-causing event occurred.
8.3. The client cannot derive any rights from the calculation made by Pien.
8.4. Lassus is not liable for damage and/or theft of client’s property.
9.1. Lassus is obliged to maintain confidentiality towards third parties not involved in the execution of the treatment. This duty of confidentiality covers all information of a confidential nature provided to Lassus by the client.
9.2. The obligation does not apply if the law requires disclosure of certain information.
10.1. All contracts between the client and Lassus are governed by Dutch law.
10.2. All disputes relating to contracts between the client and Lassus to which these terms and conditions apply shall be settled by the competent court in Amsterdam.
If any provision of these general terms and conditions is void or voidable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.